אסור לחזור

נשיא המדינה יצחק הרצוג אמר אתמול (24.12.23) בנאומו: "האוייב חוגג בכל פעם שבה המחלוקת מפלגת אותנו. תתאפקו עם הפוליטיקה, אסור לחזור לשיח ה - 6 באוקטובר".

זה בסדר להתווכח‼️‼️‼️

זה בסדר להסכים שלא להסכים‼️‼️‼️

כולנו אוהבים את מדינת ישראל ‼️‼️‼️

אנחנו עם נבחר וגם דעתן‼️‼️‼️

לקרוא אחד לשני "נאצי" בגלל שאנחנו לא מסכימים וגם לא יכולים להכיל את הדעה המנוגדת - זה לא בבית ספרנו‼️‼️‼️

מוגש כחומר למחשבה.

After Iceland started a protest against Israel's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, now Ireland also joins in and calls for the boycott of the contest: "a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian people." If there is no recognition of the legitimate right of the State of Israel to defend itself, do us no favors, and we will not participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. Even so, the ranking of points for the State of Israel is tainted by pure politicization. Another fact: all of Europe is infected with hatred towards the State of Israel in general and Jews in particular. Since when is Australia connected to Europe⁉️⁉️ Since when is Iceland connected to Europe⁉️⁉️

The time has come to tell the truth: the Palestinian Authority is not in control at all. The time has come for Egypt to control the Gaza Strip and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to control the territories of Judea and Samaria that were handed over to the Palestinian Authority at the time. After all, at the time in all the wars Egypt and Jordan occupied the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria when in the 1967 war the State of Israel conquered them back. This is the real truth‼️‼️


What would the countries of the world do if they were in Israel's shoes? Would they call a ceasefire? What would Moscow do? How would you react? Everyone here knows very well. All countries of the world know that the UN Secretary General is a Nazi, a former Portuguese SS officer who receives bribe money from Arab countries. What would Moscow do? How do you react?

I am just reminding to all: The Secretary General of the United Nations receives financial bribes from Arab countries, unequivocally, otherwise why does he condemn the State of Israel and in favor of the Arabs⁉️ Also, there is a very reasonable suspicion that he served as an SS officer during World War II in Portugal and that he is still holds Nazi views. How do you choose such a person for the position of UN Secretary General⁉️


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