Do Not!!!!!!

עוד יום הגיע.

עוד שבוע חלף לו.

14 יום עברו מאז אותה שבת ארורה של ה - 7 באוקטובר 2023 (מודה שלא מתייחס לספירה של התקשורת).

את הזמן שחולף כשאני בבית מעביר בניקיון ובפינוי של דברים מהבית שאין לי בהם שימוש בכלל. חלקם אף אני מאמין שהם הביאו לי אנרגיות לא חיוביות.

נהפכתי לחיית רשת חברתית X (טוויטר, לשעבר) ודווקא בשפה האנגלית. כך, אני מרגיש שאני לא מאבד את השפה שאני כל כך אוהב. אולי בסופו של דבר אני אחשף לעולם ויציעו לי עבודה בתחום שתמיד חלמתי לעסוק בו: שהרי יש לדעת לייצור לימונדה מלימון.


The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, during his visit to the Rafah crossing, calls for the immediate flow of humanitarian aid, which includes water, medicine, food and fuel, because there are 2 million residents who need this aid. Where were you all these years, Antonio Guterres, when humanitarian aid and funds were transferred to the Gaza Strip, and it was not It came for the benefit of the citizens but in the hands of Hamas #ISIS? This hypocrisy of yours borders on stupidity, blindness does not know how to define it. Even your elephant does not supervise it. Where were you on October 7th when Hamas #ISIS massacred Jews, raped women and girls kidnapped men, women, children, babies and the elderly, the sick, the survivors of the holocaust? You are of no use as an organization. In fact, your statements have blood on your hands. You are a collaborator of Hamas #ISIS. You also need to be held accountable. Arrest warrant and judge you for it.
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan participated this evening (Wednesday) in the emergency discussion of the Security Council at the United Nations, which convened to discuss the humanitarian situation in Gaza in the shadow of the war. In his words, he harshly attacked the UN members, who, according to him, believed the claims of Hamas against Israel without checking the facts.

"Yesterday the UN Secretary General bought immediately and without questioning the lies of Hamas terrorists, and today some of you here repeated the same lies" said Erdan. Has the UN Secretary General forgotten that he is obliged to check the facts?! Apparently, when it comes to Israel, different rules apply?! I demand that the Secretary General apologize! Any information provided from the Gaza Strip is not the truth, but only what Hamas wants you to hear. Transparency and truth are not central values ​​of a murderous Nazi terrorist organization. Not only are the "official" officials in Gaza unreliable, if they say something Hamas doesn't like - Hamas will simply kill them. So, what does this say about you here - about those who still choose to believe what a murderous terrorist organization that slaughters babies says without checking the facts first?! Just last week, Hamas deliberately attacked Barzilai Hospital, in the city of Ashkelon. Where was the UN then?! Where was the urgent discussion of the Security Council then?? We demand an immediate apology.

The Security Council is playing exactly according to the script written by Hamas in its plans to destroy Israel, to recruit you to put pressure on Israel and tie our hands in the war on terror" is valid. Where was the Security Council when Hamas took the billions of dollars that the international community invested in Gaza and used them to build terrorist infrastructures and manufacture murder weapons in and under to populated areas?!".

The envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations demands an investigation into the shelling of the hospital in the Gaza Strip despite the evidence presented to him indicating that the shelling was carried out by the global jihad in Gaza. How much is the United Nations biased in favor of the Arab countries? If they open an investigation, I demand to open a counter-investigation into how much money they receive from Arab countries that do not protect human rights, women's rights, LGBT rights. Investigation against investigation. Blood against blood. Tooth for tooth.

Egyptian President al-Sisi in a joint statement with German Chancellor Schulz opposes taking in the Gazan refugees and suggests that the State of Israel settle them in the Negev. It's just that the Egyptian president forgets that the Negev does not territorially belong to any Arab country including Egypt, but only to the State of Israel. The leadership of the State of Israel decides how, when how much and where to settle the Negev. The fact that Anwar al-Sadat did not want the Egyptian Strip does not mean that you should throw the responsibility for the Gaza Strip and its inhabitants on the State of Israel. It reminds me of the phrase "go with and feel without". So, al-Sisi and King Abdullah II of Jordan: go scratch on a cactus. The Gaza Strip is a global problem including the hypocritical UN organization.


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